Some of the activaties were a costume contest where the King and Queen are chosen, conch blowing contest, mullet toss (yes you toss a died mullet, the fish), limbo dancing and a lot of eating and drinking.

This year we were with George and Terry from "Serena", Charlie and Pavie from "Trevier" and don't forget Pringle, Charlies cute and loveable dog. Saturday was a lot of fun and the weather was wonderful, until 2100 when the wind shifted from the SW to the NE in a matter of minutes and it became very cold. The forcast stated sevear thunderstorms when the winds shifted, so everyone made a mad dash for their boats. Sunday morning there was a breakfast on the beach, but a lot of people did not go since it turned very cold and there were high winds. We still had a good time and left around noon to come home.

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