We all got a late start and had a huge breakfast of sausage, pancakes, fruit, hashbrowns and lots of coffee. I think it took about an hour to prepare and 10 minutes to eat. After breakfast, we decided to pull anchor and head to the other side of the bridge. Once we arrived on the South East side, we meet up with Jerry and Karen on "No Agenda". We spent the rest of the day dodging the rain storms until about 1800 (6:00pm). We then started happy hour and then happy houred again. Dinner was Chicken stir fry (complements of Charlie and Gay) with veggies and salad from Terry and myself. Karen and Jerry brought shrimp appetizers and more wine, thank god I thought we may have been running low (hahahaha, never). After dinner we all went to the front deck for more air and a firework display started near PAFB, it was wonderful. Around 2200 (10:00pm) after many gombays and bottles of wine we then decided to have ice cream, lots of ice cream; which was served throught the distroyer portlight (very carefully). I think the party ended around midnight and there was a very long discussion about viagra, not quiet sure how it started either. Hey we were all drinking and most of us were over the age of 50 so yeah there is always some conversation that leads to viagra, and I guess there is even a song.

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