We had a few of my co-workers on board to experience sailing. Saturday 3/6/2010 was a beautiful day for a sail. Winds were 15-20 knots out of the North, the sun was shinning and it was a brisk 65 degrees.
Amy, Brandon and Venita arrived promptly at 0800, for a

continental breakfast and a quick run to Pineda Causeway to transport their cars. We will be spending the night anchored at the SE corner of Pineda causeway in the ICW (Intracoastal Waterway). So for those not spending the night, their cars were brought to the causeway, before sailing. Brandon stayed behind to help Captian Kev prepare for the voyage. We departed port at 0900 and


aded north on the ICW.
1000 we were past the Eau Gallie Causeway

and preparing to lift the sails. I don't think Brandon thought it was going to be that hard. He is a true believer now. We first raised the Missen, Main then staysail, while pointed into the wind. After our first tack, Captain Kev decided to furl out the head sail (Jib). We made several tacks heading north and everyone took turns at helm, wenching in the sails, hausting sails, shifting the main sail traveler and pulling on lines. After about 2 1/2 hours of tacking, we figured they had enough, so we lowered the sails and motored to the anchorage.

Our crew did very well, I would take Amy and Venita any day as an all women racing team. We only had one accident was Venita getting her jeans caught in the jib line block (that was a first). After getting her free we had a great laugh. Brandon was very good at instructing the girls on how to pull the jib over during a tack.

1200 we reached the anchorage and had a well deserved lunch oh yeah, and some beer. Now it is time to relax and enjoyed the su

1400 everyone is ready for a nap, forget the sunshine. Kevin spent about 2 hours down in the engine room, trying to figure out why the generator would not work. Everyone else just relaxed, laughed and had a few beers and gingerale.

1600 Dr Susan and Ted arrived to join in the fun and happy hour. Its funny how Ted always shows up for happy hour. We all watched a lovely sunset on the water. 1800 we got ready for dinner and Kevin excorted Susan back to her car, then we all enjoyed dinner.
2100 The party is over and everyone is being taken to shore by dinghy. I was sad to see it end, but would do it again.